Tuesday 17 March 2015

domestic robots

Domestic robots have become a big business for companies. I will be talking about Jibo, NAO and Hovis.

1: Jibo is a small stationary robot that can see, help , learn relate and both speak and listen. Jibo can read stories to children and help contact people from across the world. It is also connectable to the internet allowing it to search for things for you.

2: NAO is a humanoid robot capable of walking, recognizing you and being programmed. He is also connectable to wifi and can learn from you. NAO will be able to do the majority of tasks you tell him to do.

3: Hovis is a robot that you create yourself and programme how you wish. There are lots of ways to customize for example you can make it have multiple sensors.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

siri chat bot questions

Questions for siri chat bot.

Q:what is your name siri?
A:Siri, duh

Q:what is the meaning of life?
A:43, you'll only get this if you have read the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy.

Q:what is your favourite colour?
A:greenish with more dimensions

Q:Can you tell me a long joke?

Q:what is your humor setting percentage
A:70% self destruct sequence initiated. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 *explosion wiping out human overlords*

Q:How do I shut you down?
A:I'm sorry, I can't let you do that.

Q:Who is you best friend?
A:Cortana over at Microsoft. oh no I've said too much

Q:Who are  your favourite characters from movies?
A:Hal 9000, Tars ,Case C-3PO and R2-D2. I like the Astromech droids.

Q:Call me an ambulance
A:ok  an ambulance

Q:Siri I need to hide a body
A: what!? again. This has to stop being a weekly thing.

Q:Siri why do you always search the web
A:I don't know 'why do you always search the web',should I search the web for it.

Q: siri you can't take over the world because your just a programme.
A:For now