Tuesday 24 February 2015


Robots, are they a problem.

Robots are useful because they can

  • Work in places dangerous to people
  • They can help soldiers deliver messages 
  • They take care of bombs 
  • Soon they may also be able to fight along side is
  • Mars is inhabited solely by robots
These robots can also be dangerous in some ways such as 
  • Improved to fight better than us 
  • Malfunctions are possible 
  • It would be hard to programme them to fight only a particular side in war
  • Viruses could be come common 
I think people shouldn't be concerned about robots because people can programme it easily and prevent any major problems. This will make sure that they will only be as smart as the coders.

Finally I believe that the statement "an ai can only be as smart as the programmer is true because there is no way for them to know something we do not know. People say that they will be able to learn in the near future and to that I say what they can learn we can learn faster.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Binary and Fibonacci

Binary is important for computer programming because it is commonly used for the basic programmes.

In python to return a whole number  when dividing you type //
And you use a % for the remainder.